
Showing posts from 2021

Come at me with vaccine-pro resources providing answers to the questions that keep me from getting the vaccine

Just a few statements before I start this post, so that you know where I am coming from: I am pro-vaccines. All of my family has received their routine vaccinations. I am pro-science (my first degree is bachelor of science) and I am pro-education (my second degree is bachelor of education). I believe Covid is real and that it can be very serious and please know that I can look up the current numbers just as easily as you can. I have spent just as much (if not more) time and energy into finding information in favour of the sars cov 2 vaccine as I have into the information that challenges it. If there is anyone that would love to feel comfortable in getting this vaccine it is me! I want to go home for a visit and have my family meet our kids! I am incredibly home sick and extremely sad that my family has had to miss the first two years of our oldest daughter's life and the first 5 months of our second. Any denigrating or public-dividing comments will be deleted.  Here is what I am fi...

Our summer 2021 so far

We don’t have big summer plans, but are trying to enjoy our home life to the max. Together with Cam’s help, a friend built us a fence in the back yard so that we no longer have to step over chicken wire to get into the dog-free area of our backyard. With Cam also putting some new sod in areas where the grass had died during the time the dogs were allowed to run and pee on it, the backyard is now very nice: perfect for summer fun for Nynka!  Our hashkap berry and raspberry bushes are doing really well and they pretty much all got picked and eaten by Nynka. The mint and chives are also growing super well and the rest of my garden are all perennial flowers. No time for annuals this year haha.                                                                          ...

Chloe Grae Champion

World, meet Chloe Grae! We are happy and proud parents, and big sister Nynka is very curious about her new baby sister.  The reason behind the name Chloe is just that we loved it. The same as how Nynka got her first name 😊  Chloe is a Spring time name symbolizing new growth: “young green shoot”.  Grae is after my mem, Grietje. Just like how Nynka got her middle name after Cam’s mom (Lynn). Grietje’s that leave the province of Fryslan will often go by Gree (English people: this is pronounced as grey) . Since in English this Dutch spelling would cause mispronunciation (again... just like how Nynka ended up with an a at the end instead of the Dutch way: e at the end) we changed the spelling from Gree to Grae. The spelling Gray or Grey would be masculine. Grae is feminine :) Baby registry: We really don't need anything, since she's our second. And people have already done so much for us by providing meals 💖 But I do get the question "I want to get her something, what can...

New Year 2021

 Hi! Er is hier weer van allerlei nieuws sinds mijn afgelopen blog post. Dat krijg je wanneer je bijna nooit iets meer post 😅 Sinds mid Augustus ben ik weer aan de slag bij Nakoda Elementary School op het Indianen reservaat van de Stoney Nakoda in Morley. Ik ben weer in dezelfde klas: full time (40+ uren) in grade 4/5 split.  In verband met Covid-19 hebben we twee cohorts per klas die om de dag naar school komen. Er zullen dus maximaal maar zo'n 10-15 kinderen in je klas zijn (de helft v.d. totale klas), maar omdat niet alle kindjes op het reservaat altijd elke dag naar school komen, heb ik zo'n 5-6 per dag. In verband met het omhoog gaan van het aantal mensen met Covid-19, zijn we sinds mid december over gegaan op online-learning en dat zal sowieso tot 22 januari nog door gaan. Nynka gaat 5 dagen per week naar een opvangmoeder. Hier heeft ze het enorm naar haar zin!  Zoals je waarschijnlijk al hebt gehoord verwachten we ook een tweede kleine meid in april! Ik ga daarom ...