Angel baby

Thursday, November 16, 2017 (About 3 weeks ago our little baby left to be in the light) Today we would have been 20 weeks - halfway to, we thought, the day we would meet our little guy or girl. But it was not meant to be: on Friday we found out that our little baby had passed away. This post is in English, it is sad, and you don't have to read it if you don't want. I just feel like I have to write about it. When we went in for our 19 week ultrasound there was no heartbeat. I heard the heartbeat for the last time when I went into the midwives office at exactly 17 weeks. They measure and estimate that he or she must have passed away shortly after that. All they could tell us is that it’s not our fault but that it was just not a viable pregnancy. Wow, what a crazy day. Expecting to chec k out all the exciting details of our little babes, we were shocked to receive this news. Shock, unbelief, and then extreme sadness. A fog, a crazy world that doesn't make ...