Chloe Grae Champion

World, meet Chloe Grae! We are happy and proud parents, and big sister Nynka is very curious about her new baby sister. The reason behind the name Chloe is just that we loved it. The same as how Nynka got her first name 😊 Chloe is a Spring time name symbolizing new growth: “young green shoot”. Grae is after my mem, Grietje. Just like how Nynka got her middle name after Cam’s mom (Lynn). Grietje’s that leave the province of Fryslan will often go by Gree (English people: this is pronounced as grey) . Since in English this Dutch spelling would cause mispronunciation (again... just like how Nynka ended up with an a at the end instead of the Dutch way: e at the end) we changed the spelling from Gree to Grae. The spelling Gray or Grey would be masculine. Grae is feminine :) Baby registry: We really don't need anything, since she's our second. And people have already done so much for us by providing meals 💖 But I do get the question "I want to get her something, what can...