Our summer 2021 so far
We don’t have big summer plans, but are trying to enjoy our home life to the max.
Together with Cam’s help, a friend built us a fence in the back yard so that we no longer have to step over chicken wire to get into the dog-free area of our backyard. With Cam also putting some new sod in areas where the grass had died during the time the dogs were allowed to run and pee on it, the backyard is now very nice: perfect for summer fun for Nynka!
Our hashkap berry and raspberry bushes are doing really well and they pretty much all got picked and eaten by Nynka. The mint and chives are also growing super well and the rest of my garden are all perennial flowers. No time for annuals this year haha.
Nynka is talking up a storm, copying every word we say and even linking two words at a time now. She is most happy when she’s outside and loves playing with water. She now is 21 months old and all of a sudden is starting to want to take off her diaper and go on the potty. She came with this enthusiasm for soon to be potty training all by herself, because we are busy enough as it is right now lol! Anyways, we better start the potty training soon, since she's so pumped to get started on it at the moment.
Chloe is a very happy smiley girl. She loves her parents and her big sister. She is 3 months old now and still eats the same amount (not very much) as when you last heard a couple of months back, so we are still in "newborn life" when it comes to feeding her and our sleep (no sleeping longer at nights). She gets regular check ups and unfortunately the week of the heatwave had stunted her growth. Nothing to be concerned about because we know the reason, but it did result in us having to keep up the intense schedule. To be honest, Cam and I are getting pretty tired and burnt out from it. At 4 months the plan is to start feeding her some solids to hopefully stretch her stomach a little + maybe find some joy in eating.
Cam still works as the Grounds Superintendent at Gleneagles Golf Course here in town and their season is in full swing. We love the weekends (every other) we get to have him home with us.
I am on mat leave and let's just say I'm very busy learning about how to deal with a toddler, their big feelings + juggling it with taking care of a newborn. My mat leave is 18 months this time. Here in Alberta you get to choose 12 or 18 months. Both times the government gives you the same total amount of money, it's just spread out over 18 months instead of 12, so you get 1/3 less per month.
The dogs are doing well. Husker is not a fan of little jumpy, grabby kids so he spends his days with Cam at work and is outside or in our basement while he's at home. Trigger takes the "harassment" by Nynka well and knows there's play and food to be had as a reward: Nynka loves to play with him and constantly shares her snacks and meals with him.